
Research Cluster: Strategic Management, Consulting & Entrepreneurship

The Strategic Management, Consulting & Entrepreneurship cluster deals with the strategies of a company, the provision of specialist knowledge for companies and the implementation of new business opportunities. This includes, for example, the analysis of corporate goals, the development of strategies, the optimization of processes and the development of innovative ideas

Business Model Components Map

Project participant: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders

The Business Model Components Map was redesigned in 2022 and is now available in version 7.2.0.

The Business Model Components Map enables a structured analysis and planning of business models. It was once again compared in detail with other existing business model representations. It was found that the Business Model Components Map is more complete than alternative models and includes relevant content components that are missing elsewhere. These include, for example, assets, liquidity, capital and environment, society, governance (ESG).

In addition to the previous elements, the element of "culture" was given greater prominence. A corporate culture does not simply arise, but can be created or influenced by the company management. Culture is important because it can be used to determine how cooperation should take place. The corporate culture that prevails in a company and the employee mentality that arises from it is a significant influencing factor of a business model. The corporate culture does not consist of established values or assertions. Rather, it is derived from the many corporate processes: What is supported, what is sanctioned, who is promoted and why, what is paid, what is incentivized? What is welcomed, what behavior is not desired? How does the company deal with unacceptable interpersonal behavior? How does the company react in difficult situations, how loyal is the company to its employees?

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concept cards©

Project participants: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Anders

The concept cards© format was developed at the end of 2019. The format is used to extract or further develop the essence of a concept. An overview of all concept cards© developed to date can be found here:

Five new concept cards© were created in 2022:

  • concept card© — Innovation

  • concept card© — Operations-Innovations-Matrix

  • concept card© — Objectives-Resources-Matrix

  • concept card© — Project Path Dependence

  • concept card© — Scrum

The following concept cards© have been updated:

  • concept card© — Feedback

  • concept card© — Leadership

  • concept card© — Motivation

  • concept card© — Organisation

  • concept card© — Organisational Design Language

  • concept card© — Organisational Efficiency

  • concept card© — Ownership

  • concept card© — Pricing

  • concept card© — Power

The concept card© Leadership has undergone significant further development. For the first time in the literature, a distinction has been made between the expectations of a leader, the selection criteria, the success factors and the means.

The concept card© Motivation has also been revised. In contrast to the literature, the goals are not extrinsic or intrinsic. Rather, extrinsic motivation exists when attempts are made to increase people's motivation by external means. Even fundamentally motivated people sometimes have to overcome motivational hurdles (so-called anti-drivers). In order to achieve this, there are a number of facilitators that make this easier.

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