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Bachelor Exchange Programmes
Double Degree Master
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International Office
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The International Business School has been accredited , the most significant science policy advisory committee in Germany. It advises the federal and state governments and is also responsible for the institutional accreditation of non-state universities. The universities are checked as to whether their teaching and research comply with the recognized scientific standards. In addition, universities are also assessed in terms of their human and financial resources.
“The has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member .”
Figures for the annual report can be found .
With the introduction of the Bachelor’s and Master’s system it was agreed that, in addition to government supervision, additional accreditations must be carried out for each individual degree program. A new degree programme can only be added if it has been individually assessed as to quality and academic feasibility. has (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) carry out any new degree programme accreditation as well as the re-accreditation of already existing study programmes.
The International Business School is officially recognized by the . For this reason, degrees obtained and examinations completed at are recognized worldwide and in accordance with the ECTS system, thus equated with the academic performance of other state universities. This means that after completing your first academic degree, you also have the opportunity to apply for a postgraduate degree of studies at another university, where you will be credited for achievements already performed.
The has had system accreditation since 2023. This means that the university has been granted internal quality management by the Accreditation Council, which ensures the level of the degree programs and is equivalent to an external assessment. This means that new degree programs can be developed more efficiently and implemented according to the highest internal quality standards. The Accreditation Council Foundation is a joint institution of the federal states for quality assurance in studies and teaching at German universities.
Every year the renowned business magazine “” publishes its ranking of the best German universities. The basis for this ranking is a survey conducted in cooperation with the consulting agency Universum. The ranking evaluates the quality of the universities’ graduates. HR managers from different companies and industrial sectors were asked which university-equipped students best for their companies’ requirements.
Every year, the Graduate Barometer shows us which factors are important to students from a wide range of faculties in Germany – both in their studies and in their professional lives. By surveying up to 17,700 students, from the field of economics, this university ranking is considered an important source of information for prospective students. The focus is primarily on student counselling, practical relevance and the quality of teaching, as well as the internationality of the university.
For the fourth time, the CSB International Business Schools is one of the top digital education providers in Germany. As a digital face-to-face university, the combines on-campus teaching in small groups with the targeted use of digital learning elements. In addition to live e-learning in the form of lectures as a webcast or working in a seminar room at a specified time, students can determine the time, intervals, pace and location of their learning activities themselves with self-directed e-learning. The fact that this pays off is shown by the renewed top position in the WirtschaftsWoche ranking. The ranking is based on a survey by the market research institute ServiceValue, which examines the satisfaction of users of over 100 providers of digital further education. Based on these assessments, average scores were determined for the providers, which form the basis for the ranking.
International Business School is one of the business schools with the best learning and further education programs in Germany. This was the conclusion reached by the renowned business and finance magazine in cooperation with the Cologne-based consulting and analysis company ServiceValue in January 2021. 175 providers from 14 different categories were evaluated by almost 24,000 customers as part of an extensive survey. In the category "Business Schools/Wirtschaftshochschulen", the achieved above-average ratings and was awarded the title "Top Business School".
is an iMOVE member. iMOVE is a networking platform initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in order to enhance international cooperation in vocational education and training (VET) between German training providers and international partners.
is an international management development association established in 1993 with the aim of accelerating the growth in quality of management development in central and eastern Europe. Now it is a global network of management development institutions interested in quality of education and innovations in this field, as well as in the broad area of subjects related to change, with more than 220 members from over 55 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
International Business School is a member of – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
is an international management development association established in 1993 with the aim of accelerating the growth in quality of management development in central and eastern Europe. Now it is a global network of management development institutions interested in quality of education and innovations in this field, as well as in the broad area of subjects related to change, with more than 220 members from over 55 countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
and the have always been in close connection. Prof. Dr. Christoph Willers, Managing Director, is member of the IHK General Assembly.
As part of its commitment to international student exchange, was awarded the Charter for Higher Education by the European Commission. This means that is committed to international mobility programs for students and provides special quality standards for direct access to the university. More than four million people worldwide benefit from the Erasmus+ program.
More than 600 leading Business Schools worldwide and academic Institutions have signed the statement of this and profess to Corporate sustainability and Social responsibility.
More than 600 leading Business Schools worldwide and academic Institutions have signed the statement of this UN-Initiative and profess to Corporate sustainability and Social responsibility.
The (Cologne Science Round) aims to showcase the region's outstanding scientific and economic potential. This is achieved through intensive networking among various scientific institutions and their connection with the business community. The goal is to bolster Cologne's reputation as a hub for science. Professors from contribute to the Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde by giving lectures, participating in panel discussions, and conducting workshops.
The Entrepreneurs Club presents the leading and successful family companies in the Employer Branding online portal “Karriere im Familienunternehmen”. With their own company profile they have the opportunity to emphasize their advantages and unique characteristics. Family companies are able to address their specific target group with the help of online application marketing to cast offered jobs. The seal of quality stands for the personal cooperation between the family companies and the operators that guaranties the proved quality of the family companies.
International Business School is a member of , which offers students and alumni of the Gateway Universities Cologne free support and advice on building their own start-ups. Various partners such as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Sparkasse KölnBonn, Kreissparkasse and Köln.Business Wirtschaftsförderung have joined forces with the start-up services of the five Gateway Universities Cologne in order to provide founders from universities with good starting conditions for their business start-ups.
Together with the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and in cooperation witch experts in the field of digital economics, the International Business School is an active partner in the initiative, , which accompanies and supports companies on the traditional marketplace in their digital transformation. Digital Cologne sees itself as a driving force for the digital revolution, as a platform for networking and information exchange as well as a supporter enterprise.
This local initiative works on structural changes in trade and commerce as a result of digitization. The importance of business for an attractive regional economic policy should be a matter of public awareness. Companies need to be ready for the changes ahead and, in order to be so, are accompanied through the support of science and research..
The is a corporate initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. Its intention is to promote the recognition, appreciation and integration of diversity within corporate culture in Germany. Organizations should create a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should feel appreciated – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or appearance.