International Business School, 15 August 2019

Founders Portrait: Evelyn Wagner, Paula Vorbeck, & Carmine Siena of “Compounder”


Paula Vorbeck and Evelyn Wagner, bachelor students in and managing directors of , casually came up with their business idea while talking about international study application procedures. They quickly came to the conclusion that the application process at German universities was unnecessarily complicated instead of mapping the entire application process on one platform. With the help of Carmine Siena, Master student in and IT specialist at Compounder, as well as the consultants of the university start-up network, they put this idea into practice and convinced the jury of the "Ideenwettbewerb der Kölner Hochschulen" ("Ideas Competition of Cologne Universities"): They took second place in the competition for the best business idea).


International Business School

International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. We offer accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in German and English on a full-time or part-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam.

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