Tabea Arnold, 5 May 2017

Artificial Intelligence - Is it the next big thing?


More and more companies and several governments across the globe have started to heavily invest in Artificial Intelligence. It is an international topic, which we will all face one day as it will dominate our lives.

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work?

The first wave of technological progress came in 1973 with the dawn of portable computer and it continued through until 1991 with the invention of mobile phones. The second wave started in the 2000s with digital business models and smartphones/mobile apps. Experts consider the third wave of technological progress to be the invention of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the science of self-learning software algorithms that execute tasks otherwise typically performed by humans. Artificial Intelligence does not generate insights or predictions only but can be used to make critical decisions at the heart of the businesses’ workflows.

To understand how Artificial Intelligence makes critical decisions, one must first know about the OODA (Observe, orient, decide and act) Loop. The OODA Loop was implemented by the US Air Force in order to train fighter pilots and it represents a distinct decision making process. Firstly, Artificial Intelligence observes by understanding diverse situational circumstances. The next step Artificial Intelligence must take is orient. It uses the understanding of the circumstances to compare it with preexisting knowledge. When it comes to the decision making, Artificial Intelligence defines different strategies and acts accordingly.

Ethnical Implications for society

Obviously Artificial Intelligence can be extremely dangerous if only a few people control it. Different militaries around the world have started to research within this particular field of computer sciences. To avoid a world where only a few have the resources to use Artificial Intelligence, leading nations have to make sure that Artificial Intelligence will be a public good so that everybody can benefit from it.

The Matrix
There is a risk that a hyper intelligent computer programmewill become self aware of its power and takes over the world. This might sound like the plot of a nineties Sci-Fi movie, however, notable public figures like Elon Musk believe that this is already our reality.

“There is only a “one in billions” chance that we’re not living in a computer simulation.” – Elon Musk

To lead or to be led
There is no escape from this “new-era”. Either you are at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence and influence the path we take as a society or you watch how this latest technological revolution happens and society transforms. Is it just the matter of time, until everything will be under the control of Artificial Intelligence?

Today is the first time in history, that Artificial Intelligence can realistically happen in our life time due to drastic technological improvement in the last decade.
However, experts estimate that there will be major breakthroughs within the next few years.

Tabea Arnold

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