We are entering an age where not only physical human labor is surpassed by machines but also intellectual labor. If organizations excel by relieving the human being of the hand and the head – what remains? The heart.
Uwe Schnetzer disusses founded in the depth of behavioral science how openness, kindness and empathy improve management and marketing in times, where artificial intelligences take over more and more of the tedious work and gives humanity more time to be even more human.
Behavioral Scientist
Uwe Schnetzer is Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at the International Business School in Cologne, Germany. Combining the perspectives of behavioral sciences, business and technology he strives to understand how humans make the best decisions possible.
We live in a world full of power imbalances. People are disadvantaged among others based on their gender, skin color, and age, and thus, have very different access to opportunities and power. Artificial intelligence (AI) can reproduce and amplify these phenomena. Numerous examples of discriminatory AI already exist. In response, we present Feminist AI – an approach, value construct, and goal for greater equity with and through AI.
This talk will provide insights into the status of AI systems, discover reasons for discriminatory behavior of AI, and illustrate how feminism can resolve these challenges in a transformative manner. Moreover, it will connect research, business, and activism with a focus on current research projects, insights into the work of the think tank FemAI – Center for Feminist Artificial Intelligence, and future challenges to be tackled.
At certain points in life, we all take a moment to dream about our future. We think about how nice this or that would be, how we will achieve a goal, the feeling of a certain moment, we have pictures in our minds of how those futures could look like. But very few people understand that they can actively make the best moves and decisions towards creating their own future. Let us look at WHY should we deal with the future and HOW to manage it.
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionozing our world. However, while doing so, it is also incorporating our human biases and societal inequities. The use cases of discriminatory AI against marginalized people are numerous. These range from hiring over lending to surveillance. Feminism, as a transformative force in the analog world, can challenge and change AI power structures towards more equity in and with AI.
Eva Gengler, is a Ph.D. candidate in Information Systems at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg as part of the International Doctorate Programme on Business and Human Rights. She researches AI with a feminist perspective, currently focusing on organizational AI governance, on the introduction of the concept of Feminist AI, and on AI’s impact on marginalized people. Eva works in EU-co-funded projects on feminism and AI. Her research has intersections with Gender Studies, Human Rights, and Feminist Theory. To have an impact on the development of AI also outside of academia, she recently co-founded the think tank Fem AI – Center for Feminist Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, she is co-founder of the organization and IT consultancy enableYou and voluntarily board member of the NGO erfolgsfaktorFRAU e.V.