
Research cluster: CASM


Center for Advanced Sustainable Management

The Center for Advanced Sustainable Management (CASM) at the International Business School is a unique research institution in Germany in which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Management are further developed from a business perspective. In the process, new insights and practical projects emerge on how sustainability aspects can be systematically integrated into the relevant management approaches and disciplines (e.g. strategic management, supply chain management, logistics, procurement, HR, marketing and business model development). CASM thus makes an independent and significant contribution to the further development of business administration.

Does the Corona pandemic endanger the trend towards more sustainability in companies?

A study conducted by the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce in cooperation with the International Business School refutes such fears. For around 60 percent of the 229 companies from the district of the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce that took part in an online survey for the study, sustainability plays just as great a role as it did before the Corona crisis. For every fifth company, the topic has even become more important recently. However, every second company lacks the personnel for a more sustainable orientation.” ). If you are interested in the results of our study, please follow .

The aim of the CASM is to set a new standard in management research and education that systematically combines business know-how with questions of sustainable development of our economy.


"Make us visible"

During the summer semester 2021, the CSR student team organized lecture series, called Make Us Visible. During the semester we welcomed many women who shared their career and life stories and gave us a lot of tips for our future career path. For more information on the topics and speakers of this lecture series, please follow this .

"Dialogues Across Boarders" - Cross-border knowledge exchange

On 19 November 2019, co-hosted the first online symposium "Dialogues Across Boarders" with the University of INTI in Malaysia. The two schools met online to exchange knowledge and share a learning experience. While each country hosted a symposium locally, the two panels connected online for a joint meeting of experts and students.
After a short welcome address by President Prof. Lisa Fröhlich, the INTI expert panel presented papers on "Implementing the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysia" (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Chaim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hossein Nezakati and JCI Senator Andy Lau Eng Leong). Prof. Nils Finger and Chancellor Fellow Vaishali Baid each presented on "Impact of Global Procurement and Sustainable Supply Chain Management". In addition, a group of students presented their market research results on the introduction of the Re-Cup deposit system in the cafeteria, a system to avoid disposable coffee cups.

From exploitation to sustainability: Femnet lecture on today's fashion industry

On 9 October, Femnet e.V. participated in a guest workshop on "From exploitation to sustainability in fashion - ecological and social certificates and standards in textile supply chains". Sustainable fashion expert Annika Cornellisen discussed with 26 students issues of fashion supply chains and current challenges of the industry with a special focus on labeling and certification. The workshop offered an examination of important criteria of ecological and social product certificates and standards. The students learned to locate the most important standards along the textile supply chain and to recognise the credibility behind the production conditions they claim.

Pioneers into Practice: CASM welcomes three young professionals

In 2019, CASM joined the EU Climate Change KIC programme "Pioneers into Practice" as a host organisation.
During two months, we had the pleasure of welcoming three young professionals from Ghana, Croatia, and Portugal to our center to support our ongoing projects, learn from each other and share knowledge and experiences. On 22 October, our pioneers Jackie and Carolina gave an interesting and interactive presentation on the SDGs in the context of corporate sustainability.
In groups, students explored the role of the different SDGs in a specific business context and develop strategies for more sustainable business development.
Two "Pioneers into Practice" lecture on the SDGs in a business context: Jacquelyn Makumator-Jones (Ghana) and Carolina Mendoca (Azores, Portugal).